Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I'm very comfortable using the Best Websites. It's a format I'm familiar with. Sometimes it can be a bit daunting because of the sheer bulk of info you could look through, but I think it's laid out in an understandable and usable way.

My Comfort Level

I liked Maureen's 2.0 question/comment...Does blogging and being tech world savvy mean that people will cease talking to each other? Really just using e-mail and texting takes the personal touch out of face to face meeting. I tend to learn and remember better if someone speaks to me. However, more and more people are ok with the cyber world. It just shows the only constant in this life is change, so I better keep up.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

CPL 2.0

I really hope I can, with confidence, use the training I receive to answer customer queries. I'm so glad we're getting this training now...an absolute must.

Oh boy I hope I'm doing this right

I'm now feeling very much like I felt some years ago when I first learned to use the mouse and to navigate through the internet. Some things seem confusing and I'm unsure if I'm doing this right but here goes. As I understand the bigger picture, I'm confident I'll be able to navigate through the maze and become a true "bloggin fool".